You can run Anavar cycle with or without stacking it with other anabolic steroids. In today’s article you will find out what results can you achieve.
It seems there is some turmoil regarding the time required for effects to kick in. Drugs start working immediately and the same thing is with steroids. Although it will take some time for the growth of muscles to be noticeable.
Mostly takes 3-4 weeks for some actual noticeable results.
This is why people will underestimate the Oxandrolone effects.
In Anavar only cycle, the growth of muscles won’t be significant but the effects will be long lasting due to its anabolic properties.
You can anticipate up to 5 pounds of lean muscle mass.
Anavar results for everybody
This probably doesn’t seem too much as you expect even more, no matter whether is it due to water retention or not.
You shouldn’t get fooled by this and let someone convince you that Oxandrolone is weak.
When we are talking about lean muscle mass, 5 pounds is quite an improvement.
This is the reason why users tend to continue with Anavar cycle up to 12 weeks of usage instead of just 6 weeks.
If you care about your body and its health, you shouldn’t be taking oral steroids for that long time.
The reason is simple, the liver toxicity which builds over time. Most of youngsters will not think too far in the future and neglect the consequences. This is not a joke as there have been cases where they need a new liver.
It is the same with everything, the more you use, the bigger the results but also the higher risk. Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages, you just have to balance it so you can get the most of it while avoiding the risks.
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